Healed people focus more inward. They take responsibility for their emotions and actions. They are aware of their creative potential and tend to feel confident in themselves and life in general. They deal with external situations using the wisdom of their heart and soul, and consistently practice self-love and self-care to build a happy life from within.
Unhealed people look outside more. They lack self-confidence and don't really know how to love themselves, caused by personal or intergenerational trauma. Because they are unaware of and unattuned to their own creative and self-healing power, they feel at the mercy of life's whims. They find themselves, mainly at an unconscious level, in a constant state of fear (am I good enough, is there enough for me, will 'things' be okay). From this perception of the ego, they remain stuck in the experience of powerlessness , the victim mentality; they blame their outside world, circumstances and other people for their unhappiness.