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Holistic  practice  for  trauma  healing

Adain Holistic Healing

Welcome to Adain

I guide you towards more relaxation, joy & empowerment!

It is my mission to help you reconnect with your body and emotions.

I would like to take you on an inner journey,  where you will rediscover your life energy and essence; start experiencing your true Self again!

This way you become more aware of who you really are; what your deepest needs and desires are, and where your passion and strength lies.

By consciously paying attention to your body, you will also be able to detect where you have stored traumas ; emotional baggage that stands in the way of the happy life you so much deserve! This baggage translates as tension, heaviness, pain and feeling blocked in parts of your body and your life.

I teach you how to work with your energy in such a way that you can transform your pain into strength and manifest the life of your dreams!


Would you like  a brief moment to get acquainted and discuss what I can offer in your specific situation?

Just quickly and easily complete the form via the link below. You will be contacted soon!


Healing & guidance

* for trauma / PTSD  (acute and intergenerational ), stress, anxiety, somatic conditions, depression and burnout

* to support when dealing with high sensitivity (HSP), spiritual awakening and various major life changes


* for all ages 


* from the practice, by telephone or online

* for physical and/or emotional issues of your pet, such as (chronic) conditions and pain, trauma, anxiety


* to remedy and for deepening the understanding of disturbed or undesirable behavior of your animal

Adain offers:

* individual quantum healing sessions
* individual healing programs
telephone / online sessions
* breathwork & meditation training
* Shamanic Trance Journeys
* Psoas release sessions 

pet consultations

Adain Holistic Healing
Healingtrajecten 'Scarabae

YES I am ready for more freedom, joy & happiness!

Discover the 5 Keys to unlock your true Potential

and start Healing: from Trauma to Joy

Holistische visie

Holistic vision

The holistic way of seeing is about understanding how everything in and around us is connected.
The living and non-living. The visible and invisible. From cellular level to the great cosmic whole.

Everything is energy. Energy always has a certain charge, the energetic frequency.
Your body, your words and thoughts are also energy. How you experience and create your reality depends on the frequency of your thoughts
. Or so to speak, what wavelength you are on. And therefor which frequency you both receive from and emit/transmit to your environment. How does that work?

A negative, fear-based thought creates a negative emotion, a lower frequency, that puts tension in your body.
If you keep repeating this negative thought, it becomes a belief. On the physical level this creates neurological connections/pathways that create habits and thus, like a cart track, become increasingly deeply ingrained.

This pattern causes an increase of tension in your system, which results in energetic blockages, preventing your energy from flowing freely.

You don't feel healthy and fit, your condition decreases and eventually illness develops.
This negative spiral also affects other areas in your life, such as work, relationships and finances, as you attract situations that match your energy.
Every form of pain, illness, stagnation, setback and crisis is a manifestation of a lack of free-flowing energy. This always requires the release of tension in some area.

However, many of our negative thoughts are unconscious. They are programmings from our childhood, or ideas that have been passed on from generation to generation, and that we have come to see as 'true', but that actually limit us.

Positive, loving thoughts, on the other hand, have a high energetic vibration and bring relaxation to the body
and mind, allowing the healing energy to flow freely again. You feel lighter, fitter and happier.

An animal is also an energetic unit; physical, mental, emotional and social well-being form an inseparable whole. Various factors influence the health of an animal, such as body structure, nutrition and living conditions. But the relationship with the owner, his general condition and the emotional environment also play a very important role. Animals naturally mirror the energy of their owner and the environment.
An animal in balance is able to adapt to circumstances due to its self-healing capacity. However, too much disruption between these factors causes issues, which is often first noticeable through a change in behavior.



​Quantum healing is the transmutation of energy according to  the principles of quantum physics.

Healing is suitable for everyone, and every session is unique, according to your wishes. You don't need to understand the eneretic will feel it! During a session you can relax and experience how pain and stress disappear. Would you also like to learn how you can use your energy more consciously? Then I would like to introduce you to methods from the sources and healing methods below:



*Ayurveda    * Mindfulness     * Trauma release techniques * Meditation

* Yoga * Kundalini activation * Egyptian tantra * Chakra Healing   

*  Healing sounds & frequencies   *  Acupressure   * Bach Flower remedies

A healing session is usually indoors, but a session in nature is also possible. You can opt individual sessions, or embark on a life-changing journey.

With the practical and simple methods you can learn to become more aware of your body, to feel emotions, that serve as your compass, and to recognize and let go of unhealthy patterns/tension. Not only will you feel more pleasure, strength and confidence in yourself, you will also discover that your possibilities extend much further than you ever thought. No longer at the mercy of circumstances, but independent and free in creating your dream life. Awakening to a completely new way of living!

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