We are programmed to see things from a perspective of the visible and tangible. This is what we call 'reality'. However, as your consciousness expands, you can see how both the visible and the invisible, the energetic, are part of the same reality.
The Hermetic principles speak about this insight and explain the physical and energetic world and how they are connected.
1. Everything is spiritual. The universe is mental
This means that everything is energy, nothing (or everything) really exists in reality. Your perception is formed by what your mind makes of it. In this way you can adjust reality with your mindset. From the ego-mind you perceive reality from a lower frequency, which is a fear-based/more negative perception. This perception then creates equally negative emotions, which in turn lead to equally negative ways of acting. From the higher mind/soul perspective, reality is formed by a higher, more positive, love-based frequency. This creates more positive emotions, and this increased sense of happiness and well-being leads to more positive choices. So the way you look at your environment is really in your mind; you register everything and translate this into images according to the frequency of your mindset.
2. The principle of correspondence
As above, so below. As within, so without. This principle tells us how everything always happens in the same way, on different scales and levels. For example, what happens in physical reality always happens on an energetic level. What happens on a visible level always has an invisible equivalent. A well-known image to illustrate this is the tree, whose roots grow just as deep and widely spread underground as the branches and leaves on the tree grow above ground. Like a mirror image. And what happens on a small atomic or cellular level also happens on a cosmic scale. You can see this if you compare the movement of atoms with the movement of galaxies, for example. You can also see the principle in arithmetic form; 1+2=3, but 1 million+ 2 million is also 3 million.
3. The principle of vibration
Everything in the universe is always moving and creating. The way various manifestations take place on a mental, emotional, physical or material level depends on their movement or vibration. The string theory of physics from the 1970s supports this idea. The slower the vibration, or energetic frequency, the more solid a manifestation becomes, or at least appears. But even the heaviest concrete building is really nothing more than a collection of moving molecules. Because there is always movement, everything can always be influenced.
4. The principle of polarity
This means that everything has a duality, the opposite in its form, but in nature it is the same. So hot and cold are opposites, but both involve temperature. Near and far are opposites, but they are both about distance. Dark and light, night and day, are opposites, but also both about the amount of light. Loud and quiet are both about sound, joy and sadness are both feelings. So extremes are still essentially the same, but vary in effect.
5. The principle of rhythm
What goes up must come down. What swings to the left automatically swings back to the right. This rhythm principle is closely related to the duality principle and the principle of cause and effect. You see this principle expressed everywhere in nature, physics, history, in fact everywhere. For every movement, decision or action there is a counter-movement, effect or reaction.
6. The principle of cause and effect
This is a fundamental law about how for every cause there is an effect and for every effect there is a cause. Nothing is a coincidence. Everything is connected. This principle is linked to the concept of 'karma'. From the ego we tend to see karma as a reward or punishment from the universe or God for our actions, but in fact it is not about right or wrong. It is simply a law of cause and effect mirroring each other. If you want a different effect or result, you have to change the cause or input. For example, an aggressive attitude creates a hostile situation. Dishonesty to yourself or others will always lead to more deception. If you change your attitude to a more loving energy, the outcome of the situation will also be more peaceful and harmonious. If you want to receive love, give love unconditionally. If you want friendship, be a friend. It's about the right balance between giving and receiving.
An important note here is that cause and effect occur not only in the visible but also in the invisible. In other words, a situation is not always what it seems on the surface. The effect of a certain action lies not only in the action itself, but especially in the energy behind the action. The motive, the conviction behind it. Something done from love and trust has a different effect than the same action when done from fear and suspicion.
7. The principle of gender
Gender is in everything. Every creation, every manifestation, both physical/material and energetic/mental, has both a masculine and a feminine side. When you split an atom you always have two parts, one is the male/negative charge, the other is the female/positive charge. Also in humans, animals and plants there is always a combination of male and female energies and aspects in physical embodiment and behavior, regardless of gender or gender identification.
With these insights about cosmic patterns and laws, you can gain a deeper understanding of how your reality is formed. From there you can apply these principles yourself. In navigating your daily life, in overcoming difficult situations in your life and in creating your desired reality more consciously!