In my practice I often notice that there is still a lot of taboo on being sensitive and experiencing many emotions. Feeling too much, especially negative feelings such as sadness, fear, loneliness, insecurity, shame or anger, is often seen as undesirable. Being less sensitive, i.e. not bothered by emotions, seems to equal being strong, tough and balanced, especially in men. 'No, I'm fine, nothing's wrong', 'that doesn't affect me', 'I can handle that', 'I'm above that'.
Sensitivity and vulnerability are often seen as weak, while they can actually be very powerful. Not denying it means that you are open, can feel nuanced and dare to take emotional risks. In other words, not avoiding feelings or situations that can trigger feelings. And with that you are also able to gain new experiences, develop yourself and deepen relationships.
Suppressing, ignoring or rejecting your emotions, and avoiding situations, avoiding communication to avoid too many emotions from yourself or others, may feel easier and calmer. Staying in your comfort zone offers the idea of safety, security and stability.
But you cannot do this permanently and structurally, because you then block yourself from any form of free discovery, experience, learning and growth. Although the ego is fine with this, retreating too much into your safe zone ultimately leads to unrest, dissatisfaction, unfulfillment and even depression. The soul always wants to move freely, grow, connect and love. And that is not possible without making yourself vulnerable.
Being vulnerable does not mean that you lose yourself in emotions or situations, or that you do not know and guard your boundaries. By daring to be vulnerable, you can certainly remain aware of this. Above all, it means that you dare to feel and share your feelings with others. It is precisely when you confront your feelings and dare to feel them deeply that you can see them for what they are. Your emotions are your compass. They help you distinguish which ideas, actions and situations are beneficial for you and which are not. This way, without isolating and blocking yourself, you can choose exactly which direction you want to navigate in your life, towards an outcome that you desire!